
The Story of Invention

The handyman said very loudly and with frustration that he would have to redo my door; it was 4 inches too wide to be able to fit in the opening, which was 28 inches, not 32 inches. ! I knew this was going to cost me his time to redo the door. I asked him if he would let me, being a woman, tell him what to do. He was reluctant but opened.

I suggested that he set the door back 4 inches on the 4X6 post that made half of his hinge too long. Again I suggested just bending the other half of his hinge. He was not happy, but it worked. 

Two months later, the setback “HENGE” was created.

Discription of Hendge

A four-piece medal hinge apparatus and method of holding doors, gates, lids, shutters, etc.

Anything that needs lids or closure with the foregoing in mind is an object of the present invention. To provide a strong and secure apparatus method for use in combination with doors, lids, shutter gates, etc.